25th Degree Mason - Knight of the Brazen Serpent Masonic Jewel
by Serge Averbukh
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48.000 x 48.000 inches
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25th Degree Mason - Knight of the Brazen Serpent Masonic Jewel
Serge Averbukh
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Introducing 'Ancient Brotherhoods' collection by Serge Averbukh, showcasing convergent media paintings depicting heraldry and insignia of various historical brotherhoods and secret societies.
Here you will find pieces featuring 25th Degree - Knight of the Brazen Serpent (known as Master of Achievement in the Northern Jurisdiction) Masonic Jewel on Black and Red Leather.
Freemasonry is a fraternal organization that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around six million. The fraternity is administratively organized into independent Grand Lodges or sometimes Orients, each of which governs its own jurisdiction, which consists of subordinate (or constituent) Lodges. There are also appending bodies, which are organizations related to the main branch of Freemasonry, but with their own independent administration.
The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction in the United States often omits the and, while the English Constitution in the United Kingdom omits the Scottish), commonly known as simply the Scottish Rite, is one of several Rites of Freemasonry. A Rite is a progressive series of degrees conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. In the Scottish Rite the central authority is called a Supreme Council. The Scottish Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry that a Master Mason may join for further exposure to the principles of Freemasonry. In England and some other countries, while the Scottish Rite is not accorded official recognition by the Grand Lodge, there is no prohibition against a Freemason electing to join it. In the United States, however, the Scottish Rite is officially recognized by Grand Lodges as an extension of the degrees of Freemasonry. The Scottish Rite builds upon the ethical teachings and philosophy offered in the craft lodge, or Blue Lodge, through dramatic presentation of the individual degrees.
The lesson of the 25� is to fulfill your destiny and to re-create yourself by reformation, repentance and enlarging your knowledge. This degree tackles the concept of pure, celestial, eternal soul of man. He looks within his faith, life, and God and to get a clear look at his inner self. The apron is white, lined in black, and with gold stars on the white side (Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, Capella) and with silver stars on the black side (Perseus, Scorpio, Bootes). Also on it is a serpent, ouroboros, surrounding a scarab, a triangle in a glory with the Tetragrammaton in its center, and the four initials of the stars Regulus, Aldebaran, Antares, and Fomalhaut. The jewel is a gold tau cross (crux ansata) with a serpent entwined around it, and the Hebrew words HLThI ("he has suffered or been wounded") and NChShThN ("the Brazen Serpent") on it.
June 2nd, 2014
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