U. S. Navy S E A Ls - S E A L Team Four - S T 4 Patch over U. S. Flag
by Serge Averbukh
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48.000 x 48.000 inches
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U. S. Navy S E A Ls - S E A L Team Four - S T 4 Patch over U. S. Flag
Serge Averbukh
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Introducing 'Military Insignia & Heraldry - NSWC' collection by Serge Averbukh, showcasing military and government heraldry artwork. Here you will find framed and wrapped/stretched canvas fine art prints, featuring U.S. Navy SEALs Team Four (ST4) Patch over U. S. Flag.
The United States Navy SEa, Air and Land (SEAL) Teams, commonly known as Navy SEALs, are the U.S. Navy's principal special operations force and is a part of the Naval Special Warfare Command (NSWC) as well as the maritime component of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM).
SEAL Teams are organized into two groups: Naval Special Warfare Group One (West Coast), and Naval Special Warfare Group Two (East Coast), which come under the command of Naval Special Warfare Command, stationed at NAB Coronado, California. As of 2006, there are eight confirmed Navy SEAL Teams. The original SEAL Teams in the Vietnam War were separated between West Coast (Team ONE) and East Coast (Team TWO) SEALs. The current SEAL Team deployments include Teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10.
The Teams deploy as Naval Special Warfare Squadrons or Special Operations Task Forces and can deploy anywhere in the world. Squadrons will normally be deployed and fall under a Joint Task Force (JTF) or a Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force (CJSOTF) as a Special Operations Task Force (SOTF).
Each SEAL Team is commanded by a Navy Commander (O-5), and has a number of operational SEAL platoons and a headquarters element.
A SEAL Team has a Staff Headquarters element and three 40-man Troops. Each Troop consist of a Headquarters element consisting of a Troop Commander, typically a Lieutenant Commander (O-4), a Troop Senior Enlisted (E-8), a Targeting/Operations Officer (O-2/3) and a Targeting/Operations Leading/Chief Petty Officer (E-6/7). Under the HQ element are two SEAL platoons of 16�20 men (two officers, 14�16 enlisted SEALs, and sometimes two enlisted EOD Operators); a company-sized Combat Service Support (CSS) and/or Combat Support (CS) consisting of staff N-codes (the Army and Marine Corps use S-codes); N1 Administrative support, N2 Intelligence, N3 Operations, N4 Logistics, N5 Plans and Targeting, N6 Communications, N7 Training, and N8 Air/Medical.
Each Troop can be easily task organized into four squads of eight 4�5 man fire teams for operational purposes. The size of each SEAL �Team� with Troops and support staff is approximately 300 personnel. The typical SEAL platoon has an OIC (Officer in Charge, usually a Lieutenant (O-3), an AOIC (Assistant Officer in Charge, usually a Lieutenant (junior grade), O-2), a platoon chief (E-7), an Operations NCO/LPO (Leading Petty Officer, E-6) and other operators E-4 to E-6. The core leadership in the Troop and Platoon are the Commander/OIC and the Senior Enlisted NCO (Senior Chief/Chief).
Troop core skills consist of: Sniper, Breacher, Communicator, Maritime/Engineering, Close Air Support, Corpsman, Point-man/Navigator, Primary Driver/Navigator (Rural/Urban/Protective Security), Heavy Weapons Operator, Sensitive Site Exploitation, Air Operations Master, Lead Climber, Lead Diver/Navigator, Interrogator, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Technical Surveillance, and Advanced Special Operations.
10 operational platoons make up Navy SEAL Team 4 which is based out of Little Creek, Virginia. Navy SEAL Team 4 is headed by a Navy Commander and also features a headquarters element apart from the 10 platoons that make it whole. The focus of Navy SEAL 4 is concentrated in both South America and Central America. When it comes to basic deployment, Navy SEAL Team 4 deploys platoons to amphibious ships amongst the second fleet along Naval Special Warfare Unit Eight located in Panama. Additionally, Navy SEAL Team 4 conducts Deployments and Trainings (DFTs) in both the Central American theater and South American theater. One unique thing that sets Navy SEAL Team 4 apart from all other Navy SEAL Teams is the fact that it features a �visible standing language capability�; this language being Spanish. All other Navy SEAL Teams have a language focus of English. Navy SEAL Team 4 is part of Naval Special Warfare Group 2 along with Teams 2, 8, and 10. Navy SEAL Team 4 is also considered to be an East Coast Team. Throughout Navy SEAL history Navy SEAL Team 4 has taken part in various combat missions. In 1983 Navy SEAL Team 4 along with Navy SEAL Team 6 were sent to Grenada to provide protection for US citizens who were on the island. Team 4 was first given the �Green Light� to prepare the mission which was then given to Team 6. However, Team 4 provided much needed reconnaissance and assistance to the US Marine Corps who were focused on landing at an airfield. Team 4 is famous for their assistance and bravery in Grenada.
March 5th, 2016
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