Golden Leopard on Black Canvas
by Serge Averbukh
Buy the Original Digital Art
72.000 x 48.000 inches
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Golden Leopard on Black Canvas
Serge Averbukh
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Introducing 'Beasts Creatures and Critters' collection by Serge Averbukh showcasing new media paintings depicting various living beings of this planet in all their obvious and not so obvious glory. The collection was meant to celebrate diversity of life without any bias or hesitation. Here you will find pieces featuring Golden Leopard on Black Canvas.
The leopard (Panthera pardus) is one of the five species in the genus Panthera, a member of the Felidae. The leopard occurs in a wide range in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Asia and is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List because leopard populations are threatened by habitat loss and fragmentation, and are declining in large parts of the global range. In Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuwait, Syria, Libya, Tunisia and most likely in Morocco, leopard populations have already been extirpated. Contemporary records suggest that the leopard occurs in only 25% of its historical global range. Leopards are hunted illegally, and their body parts are smuggled in the wildlife trade for medicinal practices and decoration.
Compared to other wild cats, the leopard has relatively short legs and a long body with a large skull. It is similar in appearance to the jaguar, but generally has a smaller, lighter physique. Its fur is marked with rosettes similar to those of the jaguar, but the leopard's rosettes are generally smaller, more densely packed and without central spots. Both leopards and jaguars that are melanistic are known as black panthers. The leopard is distinguished by its well-camouflaged fur, opportunistic hunting behavior, broad diet, and strength (which it uses to move heavy carcasses into trees), as well as its ability to adapt to various habitats ranging from rainforest to steppe, including arid and mountainous areas, and its ability to run at speeds of up to 58 kilometers per hour (36 mph). Fossil parts dating to the Late Pleistocene were excavated in Europe and Japan.
June 23rd, 2018
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