Gold Octopus on Black Canvas
by Serge Averbukh
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40.000 x 40.000 inches
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Gold Octopus on Black Canvas
Serge Averbukh
Digital Art - Digital Painting
Introducing 'Beasts Creatures and Critters' collection by Serge Averbukh showcasing convergent media paintings depicting various living beings of this planet in all their obvious and not so obvious glory. It was meant to celebrate diversity of life without any bias or hesitation. Here you will find pieces featuring a Gold Octopus on Black Canvas.
The octopus is a soft-bodied, eight-limbed mollusk of the order Octopoda. Around 300 species are recognized, and the order is grouped within the class Cephalopoda with squids, cuttlefish, and nautiloids. Like other cephalopods, the octopus is bilaterally symmetric with two eyes and a beak, with its mouth at the center point of the eight limbs (traditionally called "arms", sometimes mistakenly called "tentacles"). The soft body can rapidly alter its shape, enabling octopuses to squeeze through small gaps. They trail their eight appendages behind them as they swim. The siphon is used both for respiration and for locomotion, by expelling a jet of water. Octopuses have a complex nervous system and excellent sight, and are among the most intelligent and behaviorally diverse of all invertebrates.
Octopuses inhabit various regions of the ocean, including coral reefs, pelagic waters, and the seabed; some live in the intertidal zone and others at abyssal depths. Most species grow fast, mature early and are short-lived. During breeding, the male uses a specially adapted arm to deliver a bundle of sperm directly into the female's mantle cavity, after which he becomes senescent and dies. The female deposits fertilized eggs in a den and cares for them until they hatch, after which she also dies. Strategies to defend themselves against predators include the expulsion of ink, the use of camouflage and threat displays, their abilities to jet quickly through the water and hide, and even through deceit. All octopuses are venomous, but only the blue-ringed octopuses are known to be deadly to humans.
Octopuses appear in mythology as sea monsters like the Kraken of Norway and the Akkorokamui of the Ainu, and probably the Gorgon of ancient Greece. They are eaten and considered a delicacy by humans in many parts of the world, especially the Mediterranean and the Asian seas.
October 5th, 2018
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